Some PCoIP models have a (TAA) compliant logo, what does this mean?

Last Update: 2013/02/07

EVGA PCoIP products are available in commercial non-TAA (KR) and TAA complaint versions (KA). The only difference in these models is the pricing and the location of where they are made/assembled. There is no difference in performance or functionality of the 2 models. All EVGA TAA PCoIP products are made in Taiwan.

GSA Schedule Contracts are subject to the Trade Agreements Act (TAA), meaning all products listed on the GSA Schedule Contract must be manufactured or "substantially transformed” in a "designated country”. The designated countries are composed of:

•    World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement Countries;
•    Free Trade Agreement Countries;
•    Least Developed Countries; and
•    Caribbean Basin Countries



PCoIP TAA compliant