How do I Install and Un-Install the APEX 2800 driver set from ESXi 4.x and 5.x

Last Update: 2012/03/20

For VMware ESXi4

1. Shutdown VM's and enter maintenance mode

2. Install - /tmp# esxupdate --bundle apex2800-version-esxi-version-xxxxxx.zip

3. To identify what package to un-install type /tmp# esxupdate query

4. Un-Install -/tmp# esxupdate –b TERA2_XXXXXX remove

5. Reboot and exit maintenance mode

For VMware ESXi5

1. Shutdown VM's and enter maintenance mode

2. Install - /tmp# esxcli software vib install –d /tmp/apex2800-verxxxx.zip

3. To identify what package to un-install type /tmp# esxcli software vib list

4. Un-Install - /tmp# esxcli software vib remove --vibname=pcoip-ctrl --vibname=tera2 --vibname=tera-compat-esx

5. Reboot and exit maintenance mode

Thnak you,

EVGA Support


APEX 2800 PCOIP Server uninstall commands 59343