GTX 980 Hybrid FAQ

Last Update: 2015/03/29

1.       Q: What cards does the Hybrid cooler work on?
A: The Hybrid Cooler works on all reference models of the GTX 980 as long as it has the blower style fan. (04G-P4-1980-KR, 04G-P4-1982-KR, 04G-P4-2980-KR, and 04G-P4-2982-KR)
2.       Q: Do we offer a backplate for the models 04G-P4-1980-KR or the 04G-P4-1982-KR?
A: No,we do not offer a backplate for these cards at this time.
3.       Q: After installing the Hybrid Cooler on my GTX 980 model 04G-P4-2980-KR or my 04G-P4-2982-KR will it have a LED light?
A: No, after installing the Hybrid Cooler on these cards you do use the new shroud included and this will not allow for a LED light.
4.       Q: Do I need to remove the backplate from my 980 model 04G-P4-2980-KR or my 04G-P4-2982-KR in order to install this cooler?
A: No, you want to leave the backplate in place and only remove the 4 GPU screws and the 2 Bracket screws from the back of the card.
5.       Q: Do I need to keep the original Heatsink and Shroud pieces and screws after installing the new shroud?
A: Yes, the Heatsink and Shroud will need to be installed back to the original configuration prior to processing any warranty on the product.
6.       Q: What happens if the EVGA Hybrid Leaks and damages my computer?
A: In the Highly Unlikely event that this occurs we will review these cases on a case by case basis.
7.       Q: Where does the Hybrid Cooler plug into?
A: The Hybrid cooler plugs into the fan connector on the graphics card.
8.       Q: Does the Hybrid Cooler need a special BIOS?
A: No, the hybrid cooler will work on the stock BIOS for the graphics card.
9.       Q: What size Screw Driver Bits, Allen Bits, or Torx Bits do I need to use when removing the shroud and heatsink on a 04G-P4-2980-KR or a 04G-P4-2982-KR card?
A: It is recommended to use Allen 2.0 or the T-8 for the round screws on the side, Allen 1.5 or the T-6 for the other side screws, back screws, and bracket screws. Phillips PH1 for all outside screws and PH0 for all internal screws.
10.   Q: How long is the warranty on the Hybrid Kit or the Hybrid Card?
A: The warranty on the Hybrid card is 3 years and the warranty on the Hybrid kit is 1 year.
11.   Q: Can I buy a extended warranty on my 980 Hybrid model 04G-P4-1989-KR?
A: Yes, within the first 90 days you can purchase an extended warranty on this product.
12.   Q: Will there be a online version of the install manual for the Hybrid Kit?
A: Yes, there will be a manual available and it will be updated with newer information than the one in the box.
13.   Q: Do I need to refill the radiator or flush the fluid?
A: No, this is a closed system and removing the tubes will void the warranty.
14.   Q: Are the hoses supposed to turn on the GPU cooler?
A: Yes, the block is made so that the hoses turn and this is normal.
15.   Q: Does the Hybrid Cooler come with thermal paste?
A: Yes, the thermal paste is already on the cooler and ready to use, just have the customer clean the old paste off of the GPU first.

gtx 980 hybrid upgrade kit compatible graphics video cards AIW FAQ 59556