How can I change the USB behavior on my zero client from OHCI to EHCI?

Last Update: 2012/10/29

EHCI allows USB 2.0 compatibility to the USB ports on the Zero Client, where OHCI runs the USB at 1.1.

You will want to update to the latest Firmware 4.0.2 due to  older Firmware versions that may not show this feature.

To enable EHCI, you can either do this through the management console by setting a permission in your profiles or you can do this 1:1 by using the browser interface built in to the zero client.

Management console: ver. 1.8.0
1. Login to your management console, assuming you have a Group and Profile setup for your clients.
2. Click on Profile and select Set properties
3. Expand "Peripheral Configuration" from the list and click Edit properties
4. Check the box to set the profile and change to "True"

You will have to push out the new permissions to your group, after setting this go to Groups from the top and  click "Apply profile

Please note: Some changes will require a reboot, please make sure to pick the best time to apply the update.

WebUI: FW 4.0.2
1. Login to the client by entering its IP in your browser.
2. Under permissions from the top select USB
3. At the bottom of the page you should see a category "Enable EHCI (root Port only)" check this box and click Apply.
4. Restart the session to allow the changes to take effect.

usb 2.0 usb2.0 USB zero client OHCI ohci EHCI ehci ports port 59389