How do you uninstall the APEX2800 driver from a virtual machine (VM)?

Last Update: 2012/10/01

To uninstall the APEX2800 drivers perform the following steps. 1. Open device manager (type devmgmt.msc in the “search program and files” text field accessed from the start button OR by selecting System in Control Panel and selecting Device Manager on the left side of the System window). 2. Expand System devices. 3. Right click TERA2800 Device. 4. Select Uninstall. 5. Select Delete the driver software for this device in the Confirm Device Uninstall pop up window. 6. Select OK. --There will now be no further offloading to the APEX2800 card.

Apex APEX 2800 offload off load uninstall install VM vm virtual machine 59383