How do I uninstall the APEX 2800 driver from ESXi 4.x and 5.x

Last Update: 2012/05/30

The steps to un-install the APEX 2800 ESXi drivers depend on the version of ESXi being used.

For VMware ESXi 4.1

  1. Connect to the ESXi server via Vmware vSphere client, shutdown VMs and put the server into maintenance mode
  2. Connect to the ESXi server via SSH
  3. Identify the VIB packages to un-install using the command: esxupdate query. This will list the driver package name TERA2_XXXXXX where XXXXXX is the driver build number.
  4. Un-install the APEX 2800 package by entering the command: esxupdate -b TERA2_XXXXXX remove
  5. Confirm that the message shows "update completed successfully".
  6. Reboot the server and exit maintenance mode.

For VMware ESXi 5.x

  1. Connect to the ESXi server via Vmware vSphere client, shutdown VMs and put the server into maintenance mode
  2. Connect to the ESXi server via SSH
  3. Identify the VIB packages to un-install using the command: /tmp# esxcli software vib list. This will show APEX 2800 driver components to remove.
  4. Un-install the VIB package using the command esxcli software vib remove --vibname=pcoip-ctrl --vibname=tera2 --vibname=tera-compat-esx
  5. Confirm that the message shows "update completed successfully".
  6. Reboot and exit maintenance mode

For details on how to install the APEX driver, please see our Quick start guide here -



59352 APEX uninstall install Driver drivers