Beginning with the release of EVGA GD Series power supplies, and future power supply series, customers will be able to more easily identify EVGA-brand power supplies, locate pertinent information, and more easily compare models in-store.
Let’s take a closer look at these new boxes:

The front of the box unmistakably identifies the power supply as an EVGA product, along with listing the model, wattage, and 80 PLUS Certification level.
Top & Sides:
The top and sides of the box ensure that you know it’s an EVGA product, along with the model and series. One side of the box features a sticker with information about the specific power supply, including the serial number.

Meanwhile, the back of the box contains all the information you need to know about the power supply in your hands. From a brief description of the power supply series, to the features and warranty, images of the power supply design, certifications, output chart and the accessories/cables included, you should know everything you need to make this power supply part of your next system.
And if you still have questions, EVGA’s industry-leading Customer Service can answer any questions you have.